Do you know an outstanding individual who is making a significant impact in the field of education? Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church is excited to announce that we are now accepting nominations for our Champion of Education Award!
This award honors individuals who are committed to ensuring our young people excel in the educational arena. Whether they are teachers, mentors, administrators, or supporters of education, we want to recognize their dedication and hard work.
Nomination Deadline: August 15
Submit Nominations to:
Complete the Nomination Form Here
Criteria for Nomination:
• Outstanding contributions to education
• Demonstrated excellence in their role
• Positive impact on students, educators, or the community
Help us celebrate those who are making a difference in education! Nominate someone deserving today!
#EducationChampions #CommunityHeroes #WesleyChapelUMC #LearningTogether #EducationInOurCommunity